Abstract Submission is now open

The deadline date for submission through the Abstract portal is 1 May 2025. You should only submit an abstract if you intend to attend. If your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation you MUST register by 29 August 2025.

You are invited to submit informative and relevant abstracts in a word document using the approved template and following all guidelines below:

  • All abstracts must be original work, submission acknowledges consent to publication of the abstract in the Meeting proceedings and Meeting app (approximately 1 week prior the Meeting).
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English, please do not rely on google translate. If you need assistance please contact us.
  • All Blood Transfusion accepted abstracts will be included in an abstract book that will be published by Vox Sanguinis (online only) and also made available on the ISBT congress website.
    • Every effort will be made to publish the abstract exactly as it was submitted. As abstracts will be typeset for electronic distribution and publication, they may be edited or corrected by the ISBT staff as needed to conform to publications style.
    • Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the reproduction of symbols, accuracy of symbols cannot be guaranteed in the reproduction
  • The presenting author will be required to register and pay for the Meeting in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final program. Failure to register will result in withdrawal of the abstract. Presenting authors must register by 29 August 2025.
  • The presenting author must be listed as an author on the abstract during submission. If for any reason the nominated presenting author cannot attend, a replacement author can give the presentation but the replacement presenter must have been listed as an author during the original abstract submission and subject to approval by the Organising Committee. If no named authors are available to give the presentation, the abstract must be withdrawn.
  • You are not required to be a member of any of the Societies to submit an abstract, however membership is required for many of the Awards and Grants offered. Additional information to determine award eligibility, such as age at time of the Meeting and date of your last qualification, is required to be provided during submission if you wish to be considered for an award.
  • If your abstract has been previously presented, please ensure you disclose
    • where / when your material was presented or published during submission
    • if there has been and change since the last publication (if so you will need to summarise during submission)
  • Accuracy is the responsibility of the author, please ensure you have proof read your document carefully

Abstract Guidelines

Your abstract must be prepared using this HSANZ, THANZ, Nursing, and BMBTSAA template

Please download this now and complete prior to starting your submission process. 

Please save the file using the first 5 words of your title as the file name, do not include any presenter or author's names in the file name or abstract document. You will upload this document as part of your abstract submission.

  • Abstract title: 
    • Sentence case (capitalising only the first word and proper nouns)
    • The title (including spaces) should not exceed 200 characters
    • Do NOT type a full stop (.) at the end of the title
    • The abstract title must not include product trade names
    • Do not use quotation marks
  • The Committee suggests that where applicable* the abstract should follow the format outlined below:
    • Aim
    • Method
    • Result
    • Conclusion
    • *Abstracts such as case studies, reviews or reports are welcomed and do not need to follow the heading as outlined above
  • Tables and figures can be included but the abstract must be laid out as specified and must not exceed one page.
  • Please only use standard abbreviations or define them in full.
  • Please use Arial font, size 11pt.
  • Please limit your abstract to 300 words (excluding titles and references)
  • Paragraphs should be separated by an empty line, please do not indent the first line of a paragraph

Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT / ISBT)
Abstract Guidelines

Your abstract must be prepared using the Blood Transfusion template

Please download this now and complete prior to starting your submission process. 

Please save the file using the first 5 words of your title as the file name, do not include any presenter or author's names in the file name or abstract document. You will upload this document as part of your abstract submission.

  • Abstract title:
    • Sentence case (capitalising only the first word and proper nouns)
    • The title (including spaces) should not exceed 200 characters
    • Do NOT type a full stop (.) at the end of the title
    • The abstract title must not include product trade names
  • The following format must be followed:
    • Background
    • Aims
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Summary / Conclusions
  • References: Including references and adding a reference list at the end of the abstract is not permitted. However, if it is necessary to refer to one or more specific publication(s), it is advised to cite these in the abstract text as follows: “Johnson, Vox Sang, 2015”.
  • Graphics, figures and pictures are not allowed
  • Tables: a maximum 1 table may be included in the body of the abstract. The maximum number of columns in the table is 5 and the maximum number of rows is 10
  • Lists: where an itemised list is used, please use bullet points (as in this list) rather than 1,2,3 or a,b,c etc.
  • The abstract text should be no more than 3500 characters (including characters in tables, not including spaces)
  • Please use Arial font, size 11pt
  • Language setting of your keyboard: the keyboard configuration of computers in non-Western countries can cause problems with the printing of the proceedings. To avoid these problems, you need to change the language setting of your computer
An international panel of experts will review the abstracts. An abstract may be selected for an oral or poster or may be rejected. 

Rejection criteria include: 

  • The content is not relevant to Transfusion Medicine 
  • No new or relevant work (viewed in the context of the HDI of the country) 
  • Data does not support conclusions 
  • Not in the format set out in these guidelines 
  • Not in English with an acceptable level of language 
  • Includes any confidential patient data 
  • Has been published in a PubMed listed journal or presented at another international meeting (unless new data/information is included) 
  • Contains commercial bias/advertising* 

 *If the abstract involves commercial products, it must be objective, be based on scientific methods and be free of commercial bias for or against any products. Generic names should be used whenever possible and trade names should not be included in the title. The intent is to avoid abstracts submitted for promotional purposes. 

Authors and Affiliations

Do not include the author's names in the body of the abstracts as the abstracts are subject to a blind review process. The names of all participating authors (including yourself) will be entered into the abstract submission form. Please do not include degrees or professional titles.

Abstract Theme

During submission, you will nominate a theme most relevant for your submission. Your abstract will be reviewed in your nominated category, however the Organisers reserve the right to move abstracts to different themes to best suit the program. 

The themes are:

  • Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT/ISBT)
    • Blood components and products
    • Blood donors and donation
    • Management, organisation and quality
    • Clinical transfusion
    • Immunohaematology
    • Transfusion transmitted infections
    • Other
    • Acute leukaemia
    • BMT
    • CLL
    • CML
    • Lymphoma
    • MDS
    • MPD
    • Myeloma
    • Non-malignant
    • Supportive Care
  • Nursing

Conflict of Interest Statement

If the research described in the abstract was supported by a commercial company you must indicate the company's role in analysing the data or preparing the abstract. You will be asked to supply the following statement during the submission process:

"No conflict of interest to disclose".

"This research was supported by __________. The company had no role in analysing the data or preparing the abstract."

"This research was supported by __________. The company insert free text describing company role in data analysis or abstract preparation."

This conflict-of-interest statement is mandatory for all abstracts submitted and where there is a conflict, this will appear wherever the abstracts are published. For abstracts accepted as an oral presentation, please ensure you include a slide disclosing the conflict of interest within your presentation.

You will also need to disclose if any authors (or their close family) are directors/owners of commercial companies in the field of haematology, transfusion medicine, thrombosis and haemostasis.

Awards and Grants

A number of awards and travel grants are available to abstract submitters. Please view the full list of awards and travel grants, and note that membership may be a requirement.


If you have any queries, please contact us at

If you have any queries about the Meeting arrangements please don’t hesitate to contact us on:
Telephone (NZ): +64 9 360 1240
Freephone (Aus): 1800 193 405

Postal Address: PO Box 90 040 Auckland, 1142 New Zealand
Street Address: Level 35, International Tower One 100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia

The Conference Company